Soon-ready for the Home Study

We're moving along!I've been hesitating (again). But last week I made the phone call to find out about home study agencies in our area. It was another small step in faith and it was amazing because that day when I got home, there was a letter in the mail.  Inside were some very encouraging and loving words from a friend and neighbor of mine from when I lived in Ohio.  We haven't talked in a long time but she found out about our adoption process and send us a very generous donation!  It was so unexpected and so confirming...that God is providing and will continue to provide. Our role is to take the steps in faith and trust. It's humbling and beautiful.  I'm excited to say that we've decided on an agency and we are ready to get started!  Well, maybe not today-ready, but soon-ready!This is a big step and we are excited to be moving forward. One of the really cool and God-ordained things about all this is that our dear friends/cousins Sean and Emily are in the process of their adoption, too!  And so are some of our other friends Jamie and Misty! It's so encouraging and exciting to be in it alongside of others.We've had a full summer.  Lots of travel!  And I've been busy with my photography business and feeling inspired with some of the dreams I have for the business.  One thing I'm praying about and looking forward to seeing what may come of it, is a partnership with an organization called WE SPREAD THE LOVE. I met Mary in the unlikely place (or maybe not-so-unlikely anymore!) of Instagram.  We followed each-other's feed and quickly felt connected.  We share a lot of the same passions and were even in some of the same places around the world this summer, just at different times. Mary has felt called by God to use her gifts and passions to bless others- in particular, orphans in Uganda!She is headed to Jinja in December and I'm so excited for her- so see how God blesses her and uses her to bless others.  I'm hoping to somehow play a part, too. Check out the website! Maybe you will have a role to play in WSTL, too!Hopefully in the next few weeks we will be starting the interviews and homestudy.  Today I'm thankful for the peace I have about all of this. For the million reasons God has given me that He is faithful and wants us to be parents to some beautiful children from across the world. It's crazy. I'm so grateful.